¶ 25


At Manticore, we gather various anonymized metrics to enhance the quality of our products, including Manticore Search. By analyzing this data, we can not only improve the overall performance of our product but also identify which features would be most beneficial to prioritize in order to provide even more value to our users. The telemetry system operates on a separate thread in a non-blocking mode, taking snapshots and sending them once every few minutes.

We take your privacy seriously, and you can rest assured that all metrics are completely anonymous and no sensitive information is transmitted. However, if you still wish to disable telemetry, you have the option to do so by:

Here is a list of all the metrics we collect:

The ⏱️ symbol indicates that the metric is collected periodically, as opposed to other metrics which are collected based on specific events.

Metric Description
invocation Sent when Manticore Buddy is launched
plugin_* Indicates that the plugin with a given name was executed, plugin_backup for backup execution, for example
command_* ⏱️ All metrics with this prefix are sent from the show status query of the Manticore daemon
uptime ⏱️ The uptime of the Manticore Search daemon
workers_total ⏱️ The number of workers used by Manticore
cluster_count ⏱️ How many clusters this node handles
cluster_size ⏱️ How many nodes in all clusters
table_*_count ⏱️ The number of tables created for each type: plain, percolate, rt, or distributed
*_field_*_count ⏱️ The count for each field type for tables with rt and percolate types
columnar ⏱️ Indicates that the Columnar library was used
columnar_field_count ⏱️ The number of fields that use the Columnar library

Backup metrics

The Manticore backup tool sends anonymized metrics to the Manticore metrics server by default in order to help improve the product. If you don't want to send telemetry, you can disable it by running the tool with the --disable-metric flag or by setting the environment variable TELEMETRY=0.

The following is a list of all collected metrics:

Metric Description
invocation Sent when backup was initiated
failed Sent in case of failed backup
done Sent when backup/restore is successful
arg_* The arguments used to run the tool (excluding index names, etc.)
backup_store_versions_fails Indicates failure in saving Manticore version in the backup
backup_table_count Total number of backed up tables
backup_no_permissions Failed backup due to insufficient permissions to destination directory
backup_total_size Total size of the full backup
backup_time Duration of the backup
restore_searchd_running Failed to run restore process due to searchd already running
restore_no_config_file No config file found in the backup during restore
restore_time Duration of the restore
fsync_time Duration of fsync
restore_target_exists Occurs when a folder or index already exists in the destination folder for restore
terminations Indicates that the process was terminated
signal_* The signal used to terminate the process
tables Number of tables in Manticore
config_unreachable Specified configuration file does not exist
config_data_dir_missing Failed to parse data_dir from specified configuration file
config_data_dir_is_relative data_dir path in Manticore instance's configuration file is relative


Each metric comes with the following labels:

Label Description
collector buddy. Indicates that this metric is collected through Manticore Buddy
os_name Name of the operating system
os_release_name Name from the /etc/os-release if presents or unknown
os_release_version Version from the /etc/os-release if presents or unknown
dockerized If it's run inside the Docker environment
official_docker In case of Docker it's flag that shows we use official image
machine_id Server identifier (the content of /etc/machine-id in Linux)
arch Architecture of the machin we run on
manticore_version Version of Manticore
columnar_version Version of the Columnar library if it is installed
secondary_version Version of the secondary library if the Columnar library is installed
knn_version Version of the KNN library if the Columnar library is installed
buddy_version Version of Manticore Buddy