¶ 2

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About this manual

The manual is arranged to reflect the most likely way you would use Manticore:

Do not skip 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣

Key sections of the manual are marked with 1️⃣, 2️⃣, 3️⃣ etc. in the menu for your convenience since their corresponding functionality is most used. If you are new to Manticore we highly recommend not skipping them.

Quick start guide

If you are looking for a quick understanding of how Manticore works in general ⚡ Quick start guide is a good place to start.

Using examples

Each query example has a little icon 📋 in the top-right corner:

Copy example

You can use it to copy examples to the clipboard. If the query is an HTTP request it will be copied as a CURL command. You can configure the host/port if you press ⚙️.

Search in this manual

We love search and we've made our best to make searching in this manual as convenient as possible. Of course it's backed by Manticore Search. Besides using the search bar which requires opening the manual first there is a very easy way to find something by just opening mnt.cr/your-search-keyword :

mnt.cr quick manual search

Best practices

There are few things you need to understand about Manticore Search that can help you follow the best practices of using it.

Real-time table vs plain table

Real-time mode vs plain mode

Manticore Search works in two modes:

You cannot combine the 2 modes and need to decide which one you want to follow by specifying data_dir in your configuration file (which is the default behaviour). If you are unsure our recommendation is to follow the RT mode as if even you need a plain table you can build it with a separate plain table config and import to your main Manticore instance.

Real-time tables can be used in both RT and plain modes. In the RT mode a real-time table is defined with a CREATE TABLE command, while in the plain mode it is defined in the configuration file. Plain (offline) tables are supported only in the plain mode. Plain tables cannot be created in the RT mode, but existing plain tables made in the plain mode can be converted to real-time tables and imported in the RT mode.


Manticore provides multiple ways and interfaces to manage your schemas and data, but the two main are: